D. Wade has a New Baby?
The couple everyone is rooting for has showed the world they too have flaws. It has surfaced that Dwayne Wade has fathered a 3rd child, and it is NOT with his fiancée Gabrielle Union. According to ETonline, the child was conceived while the couple was on one of their “breaks” (side eye), and Gabrielle has full knowledge of the child. As far as everyone knows the couple is still engaged, and the wedding is still on. Dwayne and Gabrielle announced their engagement on Instagram last week, and has been a couple since 2009.
Now that all the technicalities are out of the way, let me stand on my soap box really quickly. I am aware that no couple is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but COME ON D WADE! You couldn’t have snuck a Plan B in ol girl’s orange juice or anything? Just kidding … I am still happy for Gabrielle for getting her ring and all, but we all know D Wade’s ex-wife is crazier than Rick James standing outside of the BET awards. Let’s hope this new baby momma knows how to be civil. Dewayne takes his fatherly responsibilities very seriously and has never slacked on his duties with his other two children, so we know this new baby will be taken care of.
I’m not sure if I should say congrats on the baby, or the engagement, but GOOD LUCK Dwayne and Gabrielle.
-Jamisha K. Daniels