Interview and words by: K.G. Graham | @COSIGNKG
Jade Tinner is a self-described, “Real one,” and, “A loving child of God who wants to help and see everyone succeed.” She is also the founder of Dallas-based The OUR Foundation, a nonprofit seeking to improve the community. She sat down with us recently to discuss her journey in the nonprofit realm.
Prior to creating The OUR Foundation, what were you doing?
Prior to creating The OUR Foundation, I was, and still am, a publicist helping startups and individuals gain visibility for their product, brand or service. I am also a proud member of the poverty fighting team at Catholic Charities Fort Worth, serving as a Major Gifts Officer.
What made you want to create this nonprofit and what is your mission/goal with the foundation?
I created The OUR Foundation to be a bigger presence in the communities in which I touch daily. I constantly see individuals and other organizations doing positive things to change lives, but with limited resources or awareness. The OUR Foundation was created to help fellow nonprofits and community organization obtain the resources they need to serve their respective communities. This is the way I can help everyone.
Where did the name The OUR Foundation derive from?
The “OUR” in The OUR Foundation is actually an acronym which is One Unified Resource. We are all responsible for how OUR communities function and grow. Together we can provide and be the change.
What has been your biggest highlight in your company thus far?
The biggest highlight I would say would be OUR MEN(tor) program which was kicked off by introducing The MEN’S Brunch. It was so incredible to see how many men are ready and willing to give back and help young men succeed. We’re gearing up for The MEN’S Brunch 2020 and can’t wait to see the growth and impact this continues to have in the lives of OUR MEN(tors) and young men.
What area is the most difficult?
The most difficult area of running the foundation is finding time. There are so many things to do and so many people who need help and at times it hard to save the world in a day. Having a strong team helps make this easier as we continue to grow.
How can people help support your mission?
There are many ways that people can support The OUR Foundation but I’ll limit it to OUR main three:
CONNECT with us via events, website and social media and help spread awareness of OUR organization.
PROVIDE support whether time, talent or treasure and opportunities for us to get involved.
RESTORE the a positive community mindset by volunteering or becoming a MEN(tor).
Who is someone you admire in the non-profit sector and why?
My mentor, Ms. Debra Bow of Women Called Moses Domestic Violence Coalition, is someone I truly admire in the nonprofit sector. Since I met her in 2018, I’ve seen how God really works through those who are following his will. She has changed lives with a fearless passion. When I grow up in the nonprofit thing, I want to be just like her. The best thing is that she is always so willing to pour into me and help me grow The OUR Foundation.
Who was the first person to #COSIGN you and/or your foundation and how did their support help your company?
It’s hard to narrow it down to one person so I’m going to say OUR board of directors. All individuals doing great things big together we are literally ONE UNIFIED RESOURCE! They all continue to inspire and push me. I am so thankful for all of them and continue to ride for them as they ride for me because the world is OURs!
Check out this feature in issue 26 of COSIGN Magazine by clicking below.
COSIGN MAGAZINE: Issue 26 | Watch The Throne