Rolando Turner is an army veteran and founder of stuntin.org, a non-profit organization built to help and assist the homeless veteran community. “After getting out the Army with an honorable discharge I realized that more could be done,” Rolando says, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. Through his organization he supplies haircuts to homeless veterans, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, bandaids, socks, clothes sneakers, and hot food.
As an army veteran, and having the military impact his life for the better, Rolando feels that everyone should at least do two to four years in the military after high school ,especially if you don’t know what you want to do or are financially stable. “I’ve been homeless before so I know how it feels to be without. I been in foster care. Both parents passed away when I was four, I slept in a car. I’ve been to war, I lost everything before. I know the pain and how it feels so it’s only right to help out the ones people may over look.” With initiatives and organizations like this, it’s imperative that we support because these situations can happen to anyone. The best way to support is to volunteer, donate monetarily to nonprofits, and support their causes by buying merchandise like Rolando’s on stunting.org. Rolando says, “It’s not free to assist” so these donations definitely help the cause.
Rolando’s end goal is to buy a building, an old hotel, old motel, and old apartments to take the veterans off the streets and house them. He also wants to provide counseling sessions, nurses, and doctors to get them healed and ready to be transitioned into society. “We’re going to have a shuttle van to transport them to job interviews and to work,” he says. We at COSIGN support Rolando Turner and the Stuntin Like My Potna organization. To learn more visit www.stuntin.org.
Follow on Instagram at: @stuntin_likemy_potnas