On wednesday, March 20,2013 I suggest everyone comes out to this beautiful event, ” UPTOWN GIRL POOL SIDE FASHION SHOW: MIAMI IN DALLAS.” This event will be filled with beautiful people, amazing art, and lovely models wearing some hot new designs. We look forward to witnessing it all and providing you with great pics and a great story for COSIGN Magazine. View the flyer above for details.
Also, check out artist, Toni Martin, as she will be there displaying her new artwork. You can view many of her pieces on her website www.TONIMARTINART.com and/or her facebook page by clicking HERE.
COSIGN MAGAZINE is the newest most innovative, creative, and ground-breaking publication that covers ART, MUSIC, FASHION, SPORTS, NIGHTLIFE, AND CULTURE! Contact us to cover your event or to advertise!
Ph: (214)517-7000
Twitter @CoSignMag
Instagram: @CoSignMag