
If you’ve been in or around Dallas the past few months, chances are high that you’ve probably taken a photo with that grease-stained pizza box that Slim Gravy of A.Dd+ made as a part of their campaign for the message behind their latest project, DiveHiFlyLo. The message was simply that every man is king. We may believe that A.Dd+ is the king of the city, but they want to make a point to everyone that EVERYONE is a king in this city. No matter where you come from, what your current situation is, who you are, where you are, you are a king. Or of course, a queen. Today, A.Dd+ releases the video for their track “Every Man Is King”, which is a compilation of ALL of you guys showing support in their message. Shout out to everyone for being apart of the video! Check it out below.

BTW, A.Dd+ will be performing at SXSW this year, so stay tuned for dates and all the info!

{VIDEO} A.Dd+ “Every Man Is King (@addhoe)

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