[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Saturday August 11 marked the seven-year anniversary for COSIGN Magazine, and we celebrated by holding #TheBlueprintSummit and dropping Issue XXIII: The Blueprint Issue. In the past we had done a wide variety of events for #TheCOSIGNExperience, but we always want to stay ahead of the curve, so this year we put on an entrepreneur conference, with the intention of offering out audience (those building their own businesses and brands) insight from successful business people.
We partnered with Tekeen and John Dixon founder of Business Society, and held the event in his beautiful and inspiring venue, aptly named, “The Venue.” Home to multiple businesses, it only made sense that we put entrepreneurs in a space that exudes entrepreneurship.
#TheBlueprintSummit was made up of panels featuring some of the brightest names, business owners and brand makers, from all over the Metroplex, Texas, and as far away as Los Angeles and New York. From Ani Sanyal, founder of Green Room Creative, to our keynote speaker, Everette Taylor, founder of PopSocial and MilliSense, the event we chock full of valuable information, anecdotes and advise from credible and successful people.
This is only the beginning, as we plan on making #TheBlueprintSummit an annual event, and making next summer’s iteration bigger and more in depth. We hope we were able to not only offer information to attendees, but also inspiration, so that we will have a whole new generation of entrepreneurs whose stories we can tell in the near future. The #COSIGNLife is fun and exciting, but its foundation is hard work and strategic planning, and this weekend was yet another example of the #COSIGNLife.
Check out the panels, moderator, and speakers the 2018 Blueprint Summit consisted of:
The Digital Renaissance: Bridging the Tech Divide | Presented By: Impact House
Moderator: Amery Williams @kaizencollab
Panelist: Benjamin Vann @iam_benjaminj
Panelist: Cam Sadler @newcrafthq
Panelist: Tammy Bowser @rodexlyconnections
Panelist: Danny Ray Martin @geekletes
Somewhere In America: Media 101 | Presented By: Launch DFW
Moderator: Joshua Wilson @jaywiletc
Panelist: Alanna Sarabia @alanna_sarabia
Panelist: Leah Frazier @theleahfrazier
Panelist: K.G. Graham @cosignkg
Empire State of Mind: Turning Your Passion into Your Paycheck | Presented By: Tekeen
Moderator: Dessie Brown @youknowdessie
Panelist: Barton Damer @bartondamer
Panelist: Bree Iman @theimanproject
Panelist: Brandon Miller @thatguybmills
The Blueprint: Fundamentals for Starting Your Business | Presented By: Business Society
Moderator: John Dixon @_thechairman
Panelist: Yasmine Hamdan @startuplawyerlady
Panelist: Kendra James @thefinancefemme
Panelist: Alissa Callaway @b.moiselle
Holy Grail: Marketing Your Business in the Social Media Age
Moderator: Dom Bookman @dombookman
Panelist: Ani Sanyal @anihustles
Panelist: Christiana Yebra @christianayebra
Panelist: Danyel Surrency Jones @danyelsurrencyjones
Allure: Obtaining Sponsorships from Major Brands
Moderator: Bola Ibidapo @bodapo
Panelist: Roman Malvaiz @big_rrome
Panelist: Brandon Walker-Roby @robyisblessed
Panelist: Sarah Badran @sarahbadran_
Fireside Chat: Dead Presidents: Building A Profitable Brand | Presented By: GigWage
Speaker: Everette Taylor @everette
Speaker: Craig J. Lewis @craigjlewis
Public Service Announcement: The Power of a COSIGN | Presented By: COSIGN Media Group
Moderator: Brittany B. @thebrittanyb_
Panelist: Jacob Clayton @image_ambassador
Panelist: Marty McDonald @bosswomenwhobrunch
Panelist: Mariah Demery @dfwfoodgirl[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid element_width=”2″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1535303514699-61b34be3-79e7-6″ include=”22394,22401,22400,22399,22398,22397,22396,22395,22402,22403,22404,22406,22407,22408,22415,22414,22413,22412,22411,22410,22409,22416,22417,22418,22419,22421,22422,22429,22428,22427,22426,22425,22424,22423,22430,22431,22432,22433,22434,22435,22436,22443,22442,22441,22440,22439,22438,22437,22444,22445,22446,22447,22448,22449,22450,22457,22456,22455,22454,22453,22452,22451,22458,22459,22460,22461,22462,22463,22464,22472,22471,22470,22469,22468,22466,22465,22473,22474,22475,22476,22477,22478,22479″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To download the photos click here.
All photos by: Ian Ribail | @ir_shoots[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1535303514712-efd9c657-fed0-7″ include=”22150,22156,22510,22304,19834,22508″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Website: www.tekeen.com
Instagram: @drinktekeen
Website: www.ecarra.com
Instagram: @ridesthatmatter
Website: www.launchdfw.com
Instagram: @launchdfw
Website: www.impacthouse.co
Instagram: @impacthouseco
Website: www.gigwage.com
Instagram: @gigwage
Website: www.curls.biz
Instagram: @curls
ARM CANDY | @armcandytx
DAPPER SENSE | @dapper_sense
CROWNED BY RYKKIA | @crownedbyrykkia
TATIANA DIANE | @tatianadiane.international
MIDCITY DECOR | @midcitydecor
KREATIVE COUTUE @kreativecouturec
E’ANAEJ | @eanaej
BRAND FIEND | @brandfiend
YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CULT | @yourneighborhoodcult