

Stephania Schirru
CEO/Founder of Dynamically Branded, LLC

#COSIGNed By: K.G. Graham (@COSIGNKG)
WEBSITE: DynamicallyBranded.com

Born in Libreville, Gabon and raised in Nuremberg, Germany, Stephania has been working behind the scenes of some of the most prolific entities in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. From handling events and marketing for Bdonna’s Boutique to serving as the fashion coordinator for COSIGN Magazine’s annual “The COSIGN Experience” fashion show, she’s made a name for herself on the scene as a go-to for a wide variety of services. In 2014, she founded her PR, marketing and event services company, Dynamically Branded LLC. Since then, she’s worked with U.S. Olympic sprinter Natasha Hastings, clothing line Esé Azénabor and Uber, among others. Stephania is also a notable fashion blogger. She currently has a mobile app in the works that she anticipates will revolutionize styling and shopping.

“My ultimate vision for Dynamically Branded is to grow the company worldwide, assisting key influencers in fashion, athletics and lifestyle in reaching their highest potential. My company also aims to leave a significant footprint in the event industry by producing high-end experiential events.” -Stephania Schirru

We COSIGN Stephania Schirru based on her extensive history in fashion and event coordination and we’ve seen first hand her work with “The COSIGN Experience.” We’ve also witnessed several of her other ventures and have always been impressed by her knowledge and ability to create positive results for each and every one of her clients.

Who does Stephania #COSIGN?

Dawn Belcher Neufeld | @DawnIENeufeld
Esé Azénabor | @EseAzenabor
Cheryl Jones | @AsherahSwimwear
Corinthia Kishaba | @couturerocks
Naked Fuller | @NakeahCosmeticsOfHollywood
Natasha Hastings | @NatashaHastings
Mark Cuban | @MCuban
Yasmeen Tadia | @yasmeentadia
Ericka Pittman | @erickampittman
Diane Von Furstenberg | @DVF
Sylvia Dunnavant | @Celebrating_life_foundation

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