COSIGN’s Top 20 Photos From The 97.9 The Beat Car Show
Words By: Paige Sander
Photos By: Gavin Lueking
97.9 The Beat and NOS Energy Drink hosted the annual Dub Car Show and Concert at the Kay
Bailey Hutchison Convention Center this past Sunday. The 18 artist line-up, including OT
Genesis, Plies and Jeremih, performed for a hyped crowd that reached over 15,000 people. The
entire cast of the Rickey Smiley Morning Show came out on stage in spurts and talked to
audience members in between sets. An inspiring six-year-old artist, Quan-Quan, was even
brought on stage multiple times, once during Desiigner’s performance. All the various sponsors
had booths set up to promote business and give out prizesor food. Guests were provided with
plenty of entertainment from hundreds of incredibly painted vehicles to a bull-riding station
and all day live music. Our in-house photographer, Gavin Lueking, covered the entire event’s
activities and all photos were shot by him. Thank you to 97.9 The Beat, NOS and all the other
sponsors for the great performances and car show! #COSIGNLife
Photos Feature: Jeremih, Plies, OT Genesis, Desiigner, K Camp (Not in this order)