I was introduced to Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) a few months ago via his Breakfast Club interview with DJ Envy, Angela Yee, and Charlemagne The God. I immidiately was drawn to the interview as he spoke about subjects most are afraid to mention and he was brutally honest. Ever since then, I’ve watched his videos weekly and use them for motivation to continue my goal of making COSIGN Media a successful brand. Through his videos you will get inspired, motivated, and feel determined to accomplish every goal you set forth. But, like Gary Vee says all the time, get motivated, but do something, do the work, hustle, and put in the time. Even if you work 9 to 5, you still have 6pm to 2am to work on yourself and your brand. I hope these videos assist you to achieve success! #COSIGNLife
Do yourself a favor and subscribe to Gary Vee’s YouTube channel and follow him via social media below:
Twitter: @GaryVee
Instagram: @GaryVee