Photos By: Jonathan Stafford | @thenoiz_
“I want people to look at a piece of art work and instantly recognize that I was the person who created it, and that I did it with all the passion and love in my soul. I hope that those who know me personally will remember me for my creativity and my genuine love for life.” -Valerie Desrae
Valerie Desrae : @valeriedesrae
Location: Dallas, TX
Valerie Desrae grew up in Arlington, Texas, and always had aspirations of becoming a model. As a kid she would create backgrounds in all of her coloring books to express her creativity. “As I got older I would lock myself in my room for hours at a time just creating elaborate drawings, getting better over time. By high school I was charging my classmates to do their art homework. It was then that I knew I was onto something,” she says. Years later, Valerie is one of the most eclectic painters in Dallas. Her pop art style helps to keep the legacy of the subjects she paint alive. “Anytime I post new work online it gets people talking about that individual and continues to keep the public’s curiosity for the love of art alive,” says Valerie.
Throughout high school and college, Valerie was always active in art programs. “It was my absolute favorite subject. Not only did I like the creative process, I loved learning about the Frida Kahlo’s and Andy Warhol’s of the world.” She credits artist Hatziel Flores (whom she would also like to #COSIGN — @hatziel) as one of her inspirations to create. “His talent is beyond anything I’ve ever imagined and his ambition is so motivating! He’s one of Dallas’ biggest talent and I’m honored to say I know him. He’s definitely one of my major mentors in this industry,” says Valerie.
In only a few years Valerie has managed to garner the attention of art lovers all across the world, which she credits to social media. “I was asked to paint a portrait of Danny Glover last year. He signed it and it was auctioned off for charity. Definitely the coolest moment in my art career thus far,” Valerie says. “[Social Media] allows me to reach so many more people than I normally would be able to just here in the city. I’ve sold pieces out of state, thanks to social media.”
Naturally an optimistic person, adversity doesn’t bother Valerie. As an artist you have to have tough skin and roll with the punches, especially in an oversaturated field of work. “I’m full of surprises. I like to occasionally add mediums to my work that you normally wouldn’t expect, i.e. glitter, jewelry, dirt, etc.,” says Valerie when asked what makes her work unique.
Within the next five years Valerie plans to be creating in her own studio and displaying her work in marquee cities such as L.A. and NYC.
We #COSIGN Valerie for not only being one of the dopest creatives in the city, but for being unique and sharing her art with the world.
Who does Valerie Desrae #COSIGN?
Allison Lipford @makeupbykitty_
Tazia Alexa @taziaalexa
Fitxbrit @fitxbrit
Chanlo @cnkdaily
Anthony ‘Munch’ Steele @munch215
Geena Driven @hiphopheels
Jason Sanders @jasonsandersexp
Ashley Wade @ashleywade_fit
Charles Smith II @smiththe2nd
Tenia of POPOUT @misstenia
Catch Valerie Desrae at our #LaVidaCOSIGN Culture Exhibit & Art Show on Saturday July 15th, from 6pm – 10pm.
For Tickets: