As cliche as this question is, who is Lynne Jones?
There are so many ways I could answer this lol. I’m from Denton Texas, lover of all things sports. I have the most outgoing kind hearted four year old son who keeps me busy 24/7. I love going to brunch with my girls, coffee shops and traveling. I’m just someone who is chasing her dreams daily, and hopefully inspiring others especially women to do the same.
At COSIGN, we believe that no story should go untold. Tell us your story and your journey that led you to photography?
Well, it was all God. I had been praying for months just for him to show me what I was good at. My passion, my purpose in life, I was unsure of, so I spent a lot of time asking God to make it clear for me. One day my friend asked if I would borrow one of the cameras my mom had laying around to capture her college graduation. I immediately fell in love with the process during the session. My friend Presh even said “I think you found your calling” lol we still laugh at that to this day. That day I went home and started researching sports photography.

Did you teach yourself photography? If so, how did you learn and what do you recommend someone doing who’s looking to get into the field?
I am self taught. I have spent countless hours on YouTube learning… I still do! I would say eagerly learn your craft, also don’t be afraid to ask questions to other content creators. I also am a huge believer in finding a mentor who is ahead of the game. (Shout to Ben because you are the best mentor!) @thebnjmns If anyone glances at your Instagram feed they’ll notice you do a lot of sports photography.
How did you get into this field specifically? And for you is there a difference between capturing sports, weddings, and lifestyle photos?
I started out with some established fitness trainers in the Dallas area, and then God basically opened the door with connections from there.
There is FOR SURE a huge difference. I had a hard time adjusting between the two at first. I will never forget the time I had a lifestyle session after doing nothing but sports for a few months, and had to remind myself to talk! HA! I was so used to capturing the fast paced moments in sports without having to talk as much.

Who would you say is the first person that co-signed you and believed that you could turn photography into a career?
Honestly I have two, my friend Presh Bassey and Chris Tecco. They have both supported me from the jump and pushed me to be my best.
At what moment did you begin to take photography seriously? Did you book a specific gig or did a high profile athlete reach out?
Really, the day I picked up a camera. I knew deep down this was it for me, and have been putting in the hours since. I think it really hit me though when my photos were on SportsCenter for the first time.

In your opinion what do you think it takes to become a great photographer?
Letting go of expectations and just creating how you feel. Also, remaining grateful for every session you book.
What has been your greatest accomplishment thus far?
Ooof. I say being able to go full-time and creating this lifestyle for me and my son as a single mom. I just want him to look at everything I’ve done so far and realize he can make his dreams into reality too, just have to take that first step.

What’s your favorite quote?
“Focus on the good, and the good gets better.”
Has there ever been a moment, such as during the pandemic, where you have been in a creative rut and couldn’t produce? If so, how did you get out of it?
LOL! All the time, pandemic or not as a content creator it’s easy to get in your head and want to switch your style up, or feel like you’re not progressing. I found that not comparing my work to others has helped me the most, and not allowing the “likes” on social media stop me from creating. I used to let that decide if that was a good photo or not. I have learned to let go and just create with no limits, or let social media dictate what is good and what is not. I still have my days sometimes but usually getting out and challenging myself behind the camera gets me out of my head.

In your opinion, what do you believe makes you different from other photographers that entices your clients to book with you?
I would say the relationships I build with my clients. I genuinely care for people, and want to see them succeed. If I can help with any of that it makes me happy, and I feel like maybe people see that, and feed off my energy.
Last but not least who are 5 entrepreneurs/creators you #COSIGN?