Jonathan Jones
Author, Entrepreneur, & Speaker
#COSIGNed by: K.G. Graham (@COSIGNKG)
“I want to be diligent in my work ethic and be obedient to God’s instruction.” – Jonathan Jones on 2017
Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jonathan Jones is a college graduate from the University of Texas at Tyler and he’s currently enrolled at Southern Methodist University, where he is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Marital and Family Therapy. Jones describes his purpose as a journey to empower millennials and students to pursue their purpose as entrepreneurs. He’s a speaker, coach, friend of COSIGN’s, and #1 Best-Selling Author of the Book Process.”
“I have an encouraging spirit and want to serve others, so my father suggested that I write a book. My book will continue to inspire and empower many for years to come,” says Jones when asked what made him pursue becoming an author and writing “Process” which took him roughly two years to produce. Jonathan’s book focuses on millennials and provides steps for them to achieve their own success. But, with focusing so much on the success of others we were curious to know how Jonathan defines success in his own life. “Success is the empowerment of a 1,000,000 people, a number that triggers me to be intentional with every conversation I have. Everything that I’m doing now lays the foundation so that the next generations will have a blueprint to replicate and create success in their own lives.”
Only a few days into 2017 Jonathan has been preparing to have a phenomenal year for weeks. He plans to increase the quality of the videos on his YouTube channel, Jonathan Jones Speaks ( and become more consistent in writing and sharing more to allow people to understand his process and see his progress towards success. But with comes success ,comes failures, which are all lessons we’ve learned from. It’s from falling and getting back up which makes you stronger. Jonathan states,”Failure helps reveal potential areas for growth. When a weakness is exposed, it yields the question: “Now, what are you going to do about it?” If we continue to move forward without making adjustments, that’s ignorance, but if I make the necessary adjustments to move forward, that’s when growth can occur.”
According to Jonathan, Chapter 9: “Be a Social Butterfly – Diversify Yourself is the most significant chapter in his book for entrepreneurs. He states, “This chapter details how to connect with people who don’t look like you, talk like you or weren’t raised in the same location as you. Having diversity in relationships, from barbershop conversations to discussing million-dollar deals with CEO’s for startups or nonprofits, helps you to be able to be comfortable in both places.” I don’t know about you guys, but when I first started COSIGN, I would feel uncomfortable in certain settings that my peers weren’t present at. This is definitely a great chapter to read to help with networking skills because your network can be your net worth.
If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a millennial in search of their purpose, I highly recommend this book. Not only do we #COSIGN this book but we #COSIGN Jonathan Jones for being a leading example of how dreams and ambitions turn into reality. Jonathan Jones is a millennial that found his purpose and it his will to help others reach their full potential. He’s a mentor, speaker, coach, and a millennial so he’s going through the “process” right in front of our eyes.”I understand the stigma placed on my generation. I feel, however, that my generation is capable of sharing our passions and stories and I would love to be a part of that process. I live to empower millennials to pursue their purposes! I love seeing the look in someone’s eyes when I ask: What are you passionate about?” I want to share with my fellow millennials: You are important, you have a voice, you have a story and I want to help you share it!”
Who does Jonathan Jones #COSIGN?