Events We #COSIGN: Impact House Kicks off VIP Event to Bring Diversity and Inclusion in Tech to Hack DFW 2019

On Friday, February 15th COSIGN will join a few of Dallas’ most innovative brands for a VIP Kickoff reception for Hack DFW 2019, powered by Impact House. Impact House, is an early-stage venture accelerator and support ecosystem with a mission to accelerate and invest in all shades of genius, focusing on scalable companies lead by […]
COSIGN Technology: Switchit App: A Smarter Way to Share Your Information

As the world continues to increase digital productivity, Switchit App was founded by Daafram Campbell and W. Tammy Robinson with a mission to make the way people connect and grow their personal network simpler. According to the founders Switchit, is a smarter way to share your information. Switchit is a free iOS network management tool that connects […]