The Blueprint According To: Blake Ricciardi
It was a Monday, the last day of a COSIGN trip to Los Angeles, and hours before our bumper-to-bumper trek to LAX, we hopped in an Uber and headed to Burbank. We arrived to a non-descript building suite just off of the freeway, and had we let the subtle façade fool us, we would have […]
COSIGN Style (Photos): Pink Dolphin Holiday ’16 Pt. 2 Collection Now Available
For you avid Pink Dolphin lovers, Pink Dolphin recently released their second holiday collection for 2016. There’s definitely some gems within this set. Click here to view the collection in full and cop some gear for yourself, your man, or your lady! #COSIGNLife The second offering of Holiday 16 is now available. Legendary pastimes and […]
Scenes From L.A. – COSIGN Mag and Beautiful Ladies of the Weekend
Beautiful ladies and COSIGN, and a co-ed pic or two… Los Angeles, Calif. Location: L.A. Photographer: Stack Moses